ISO Policy


  1. 1) 全員参加の品質保証を通じて、顧客の信頼を築く。
  2. 2) 顧客要求事項及びその他法令・規制要求事項への適合は経営の基本であり、要求事項の明確化とそれに関連するプロセスの管理状況のレビューを通じてこれを達成する。
  3. 3) 構築した品質マネジメントシステムが確実に運用されていること、及び各部門にて設定した品質目標の達成状況が望ましい傾向を示していることのレビューを通じて品質マネジメントシステムの有効性の継続的改善をする。
  4. 4) 本方針を実施し、維持すると共に、全従業員に周知させ、理解させる。
  5. 5) 方針は文書化し、適切性の維持のために見直しをする。

2002年4月1日 制定
2023年6月27日 改訂

Manufacturing Director
Margareta Perangin-angin

Quality Policy

Quality Motto
Grow as a highly valuable company by ensuring customer satisfaction and reliance through continual improvement of the Quality Management System.
Quality Policy
Nippon Giant Tire is committed to continual improvement of its effectiveness of our Quality Management System as an integral part of our Off The Road (OTR) Tire production business.
In particular, it is our policy to assure the enhancement of customer satisfaction and reliance through understanding varying requirements and improving the process to realize the objectives at all times.
We will do so by adhering to the following principals.
  1. 1) We will develop the customer reliance through quality assurance activities by all associates.
  2. 2) We will commit to comply with customer requirements as well as statutory and regulatory requirements as basic management policy by clarifying such requirements and reviewing control status of related process.
  3. 3) We will commit to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System by ensuring Quality Management System is in place and achieving the quality objectives set by each division.
  4. 4) We will assure this Quality Policy is communicated and understood within the organization, as well as implemented and maintained.
  5. 5) This documented policy is reviewed to maintain its appropriateness.
We conduct this Quality Policy by establishing quality objectives according quality control plan and review all quality objectives for varying conditions surrounding Nippon Giant Tire.

01-Apr-2002 (created)
27-Jun-2023 (revised)

Manufacturing Director
Margareta Perangin-angin


  1. 1) 環境管理体制を整備し、継続的改善と汚染の予防に努めます。
  2. 2) 環境法規制、協定、及び利害関係者との同意事項を遵守します。
  3. 3) 生産活動に伴い発生する産業廃棄物の削減に努力すると共に、廃棄物のリサイクル化を促進します。
  4. 4) 省エネルギー及び地球温暖化防止の為、使用するエネルギー・資源の減少策を継続的に促進します。
  5. 5) 本方針を実施し、維持し、全従業員にこれを周知させると共に、利害関係者に賛同、協力を求めます。
  6. 6) 本方針は文書化し、社外から要求があれば開示します。

2005年10月28日 制定
2023年6月27日 改訂

Manufacturing Director
Margareta Perangin-angin

Environmental Policy

Environmental Motto
Contribute to the health community by alleviating the earth’s burden from the environmental impacts by striving for continual improvement in our environmental management system.
Environmental Policy
Nippon Giant Tire is committed to continual improvement of its Environmental Management system as an integral part of our Off-the-road tire production business.
In particular, it is our policy to assure the environmental-friendly in our production process and facility at all times and at all places. We will do so by adhering to the Following principles.
  1. 1) We will employ an environmental management system specially to prevent pollution, and will carry out continual improvement of this system.
  2. 2) We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and environmental agreements.
  3. 3) We will strive to reduce wastes from the production, and will reuse and recycle whenever possible.
  4. 4) We will strive to reduce energy and natural resources spending in our production related process.
  5. 5) We will communicate our commitment to environmental policy to all of our associates and will provide appropriate training. In addition, we will request for an approval and cooperation to all related parties.
  6. 6) This documented policy will be communicated to any parties interested In our Environmental Management System.
We conduct this commitment by employing our Environmental Management Program as the framework to identify and review all the objectives and targets for addressing area of environmental significance.

28-Oct-2005 (created)
27-Jun-2023 (revised)

Manufacturing Director
Margareta Perangin-angin